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Money Advice Service
Our charitable Money Advice Service is key to underpinning all of the services that we offer

We fund much of the service through our own unrestricted reserves as it is key to underpinning all of the services that we offer. Whether it’s for someone in our Housing Services, a victim of domestic abuse or an individual getting support for substance misuse, we can offer Money Advice. Our support works on 3 levels:
Delivery of high level case work, directly supporting individuals and families with significant money advice/debt concerns
Raising awareness of money/debt issues and their impact and enabling people to take positive action
Building on the guidance given and offering mentoring support to help people embed financial learning in their own home.
In addition, we are funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner to support those who are victims of financial abuse, and provide a dedicated money advice service to the tenants of Ipswich Borough Council.
We provide advice on how to handle and prioritise debt and, if necessary, our qualified Money Advisers can take on cases and negotiate with creditors, through to providing advice and actioning Debt Recovery Orders and Bankruptcy.
We can look at income and help maximise income through benefits. We can provide Money Mentors to help manage finances in the long term. We are regulated by the FCA to deliver this work.
Our Money Advice team have published a booklet to help you save money on everyday living costs, to try and tackle the rising cost of living.
Full of tips on how to save money on your utility bills, on fuel, subscriptions, shopping and lots more, it’s useful for anyone struggling and wanting to find the best deals around.
Download a copy of our 'Reducing Everyday Living Costs' brochure by clicking on the image, or call our team on 01473 622888 and we'll send you a hard copy:
If you'd like to find out about volunteering for our Money Advice team, contact: volunteer@angliacaretrust.org.uk / 01473 622888